Monday, February 23, 2009

25 Random Facts about our life in Beijing

1. Kyle can take bus numbers 110, 628 or 913 to Varsity
2. We shop at The PRETTY SHOPPING Centre but sometimes spoil ourselves with treats from Jenny Lou's (a western franchise)
3. We have a collection of approximately 150 DVD's that we've collected in 18 months. This cost us a total of RMB 1,500 (the equivalent of just under R 2,000)
4. We do our ironing (a chore we share) while listening to online sermons
5. We don't drink water out of a tap. You call someone who brings you a drum of water for 10 bucks, delivered to your door
6. The water in Beijing destroys our clothes in the washing machine (and no it's not because I do it wrong...everyone has the same complaint!)
7. We own every season of Macgyver ever made
8. It costs Meryl approximately RMB 75/day to get to and from work
9. A typical date night for us in Beijing would be dinner, shopping for movies, and then snuggling in bed to watch on our laptop with tea and chocolate!
10. We love getting foot massages, and they are very cheap here
11. We are the only foreigners in our building
12. Our favourite shop is IKEA
13. We cant keep our windows open for too long because the smog and dust comes in and coats everything
14. The outside of our apartment is lit up like a Christmas tree all year round for no apparent reason
15. We have the best internet connection - fast and cheap - so we're online most of the day
16. Kyle cooks a mean Panang Curry on our new stove
17. We eat Mac Donald's at least once a week
18. Kyle eats Chinese breakfast every morning for 5 bucks
19. We amuse the guards at our gate by our 'foreign-ness'
20. Our favourite Chinese food (if we had to choose) is from Sichuan Province - HOT and SPICY
21. In March we're turning our balcony into a spare bedroom for when guests arrive
22. Kyle washes dishes in cold water (not by choice though)
23. Door to day sales people have an irritating habit of showing up on our doorstep at all hours and are rather insistent, so we have to make sure the door is always locked otherwise they would just walk in
24. We live on the 4th floor but dont have much view from our porch
25. Mean taxi drivers are a horrible way to start the day

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